Monday, September 5, 2022

Fun With NGL...

 Hello again everyone. Tonight, I'd thought I'd change things up a little bit from what I usually write about. I thought I would answer some questions that have been posed to me anonymously from the NGL app (link to ask me questions, and to get your own, is on my twitter bio). Most of the questions that have been asked of me on this app has been pretty vanilla in nature. They haven't been as hard-hitting or profound and in-depth as I would like. Maybe if I spoke more about things that interest me, like sports or 80s music, or rasslin', I'd get more of those type of questions I suppose. But anyway, here are some of the best questions that have been asked of me so far.

Q: Who's your worst enemy?

A: At the time this was written, I was an emotional wreck, and that person knew who he was. But now that things have calmed down somewhat, he isn't an enemy per se. I do have an enemy that talks too damn much and quite frankly I don't acknowledge his existence. I'll leave it at that.

Q: Netflix and chill?

A: Not yet, but I plan on getting the service in a couple of months.

Q: What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

A: I've had several, but one that stands out was when I was in Philly at the Museum of Art there, and I tripped trying to run up the steps there (also known as the "Rocky" steps). That was in August of 2016.

Q: What years were you in the service, and did you like it?

A: From 1992 to 1998 I served in the U.S. Navy. It was okay, but I think if I had followed my heart and not listened to my father and stepmother when I was 18, I would have taken a totally different career.

Q: What happened to you medically? 

A: Probably the most profound question I've been asked. In 2017 I had a stroke that left me with slight nerve damage and paralysis on my left side. I've recovered quite nicely; I am able to get around with a slight limp, but I do fall every once in a while. In fact, I had a slight spill last night. 

Q: How many exes do you have?

A: LOL. Good one. I don't really have an ex because I've never really been in a relationship. The closest thing I've had to an ex was probably my former roommate from over fifteen years ago that I'd rather not talk about anymore because she thinks TFG is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and most of you know how I feel about TFG...

Q: Have you ever gotten in a fist fight?

A: Believe it or not, none. One, despite me having a temper, I never was large enough to be involved in a physical confrontation. Two I prefer to have my freedom that be locked up for the night, if you know what I mean.

Q: When was your first kiss?

A: I think it was when I was 17 with a redhead whose name escapes me. My first French kiss came after my 20th birthday unfortunately.

Some questions have been asked of me on more than one occasion. Like if I have any pets (I don't right now), and what my age is. Most people know that I'm 48, but one time I decided to be a smart-ass and answered 23 because someone asked me what my age was again. Thank, Mark, Tom, or Travis. Sometimes I don't get a question; I'll get a statement such as "you're cute" or "you're (a) best friend." Well, thank you. The beauty (and curse) of this format is that these questions are anonymous, but I do know who I WISH sent me some of those questions. One of those persons tends bar and has beautiful red hair. The other one is an aspiring singer out in the LA area. That's all I'll say as far as that is concerned. Some questions are better off not being answered, such as who on Twitter IO want to bang the most. Or a secret that I kept hidden from my parents. Anyway, I have fun answering questions on this app, so keep the questions coming, and I'll hope that some of the questions are from someone with the opposite initials as my nickname.

Until later this week.


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