Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Some Late-Night Thoughts

Greetings once again. Just another late night here at my computer desk hyped up on caffeine purveying my thoughts on this somewhat dreary Wednesday night. In fact, the weather has been so dreary here in the Banana Republic that I haven't felt like doing much of anything this week; I guess that's what the winter blues feel like. Hey, I haven't felt the winter blues in at least 25 years, so indulge me. 

Yes, I did hear about out President calling a Fox News "reporter" a stupid son of a b****. No, I don't care to make a comment on it. Those who know me well enough know how I feel about that outfit, in fact I had an earlier entry about it. Drunk Fest '22 is happening on Saturday, but even if I could attend, I doubt I would go; you think I'm spending a cold winter's day out there? Heck no!

Your boy is getting a little too old for a sub-50-degree day. I used to handle cold nights every so often at the post office, but rarely if ever did the temperature drop this low. I guess nearly a quarter-century of living in Tampa has gotten me soft to cold weather. Too bad the rent crisis in Florida may have me looking for a new place to live in the future.

One week since my Valentine's Day gift arrived at its destination, and wouldn't you know I haven't heard anything from the recipient; not even a "thank you." I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. In fact, I'm kind of used to it. At least it's not 1996; that year a short order cook named Rachel (originally from Pittsburgh) was who I was eyeing, but right at the moment I was going to ask her if she wanted me to be Valentine, her crew barged into her work and surprised her instead...including her girlfriend. Candy, roses, and a stuffed teddy bear all bought for nothing. Pretty much sums my love life up to now. Did Larry David write my love life, because it sure feels like a sitcom, either that or it feels like Kenny on "South Park."

Yes, the NFL Playoffs were insane last weekend. No, I don't think it will carry over to this weekend though. Do I think the Russians will invade Ukraine? Sadly, yes, though not in the upcoming few weeks. Something tells me Putin & Co. will double-cross us and NATO somehow. Speaking of NATO, there's one reason Germany is so hesitant to send weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves, they don't want to freeze to death. A bunch of horseradish root to be honest. In other words, Blyat!

Well, those are my thoughts I have at the moment. I need to get some shuteye. Until next time.


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