Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Some Things I Wish I Could Delete

 For those of you who do not follow wrestling, indulge me for a minute. Remember several years ago when Matt Hardy (who was then working for Impact) had a gimmick where he was broken and started acting unhinged, and yelling "DELETE!!" everywhere? Well, I thought I would channel my inner Broken Matt Hardy and go over some things I wish I could delete from existence. 

All Car Insurance Commercials. Seriously, even though it's a requirement to have insurance in order to drive, the television advertisements for most of these insurance companies are out of control. One example is Liberty Mutual, whether it be that stupid emu or the guy saying "Libbity Bibbity" or the latest one where the baby's first word is "liberty," I think they need a totally new campaign like the one they had a few years ago, when "Liberty stands with you."

Another totally annoying ad is Flo from Progressive. Her (and her sidekick Jamie) are the definition of cringe. And if that campaign isn't bad enough, they have that creepy counselor who is trying to prevent young people from turning into their parents. The damned caveman from the GEICO ads has returned recently; I guess they're going to do something with him and that annoying gecko for the Super Bowl (I haven't checked out what ads are running this year). Oh, and don't get me started on State Farm. Nobody's calling some guy named Jake at 3 in the morning, and do we need every celebrity advertising for SF? I mean now you have Jimmy Fallon and Ludacris. Also, I think we've seen more than enough of the Kansas City Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes this football season, and speaking of the Chiefs...

Taylor Swift Overkill On Our Football Coverage. Yes, Taylor Swift has had an amazing last twelve months. Yes, her boyfriend plays for the Chiefs. Yes, her boyfriend's team is playing in the Super Bowl. Yes, she'll in all likelihood be there (she has a concert in Japan late Sunday night, which is early Sunday morning Las Vegas time). But for goodness sakes CBS, we don't have to see her and Donna Kelce after every offensive snap that the Chiefs have a week from this Sunday! I know your network have the Grammy Awards to promote (total hypocrisy, btw), and I know that Swift will be up for most of the major awards, but this fixation with Swift honestly takes away from the game if you ask me. Heck, even Swift herself is tired of all the hoopla that CBS is giving her.

But wait, there's more. The Swift phenomenon has become so ridiculous, that Fox Faux News is even weighing in on it, in usual Faux News fashion. Also, Judge Jeanine (who somehow found the time to step away from her boxed wine) is telling Swift to stay out of politics. Hold up, last I heard she's registering young adults to vote and let their voices be heard, but you don't like how she leans politically (it isn't to the far right). So, I guess that makes you just like most of the rest of the Faux News lot, a hypocrite. 

Vince McMahon. Actually, that may indeed be happening. Bye, Felipe...

Squealon Muskrat. At least his stranglehold on Twitter (IT'S STILL TWITTER TO ME DAMMIT!), ruining what was an already toxic social media app. That and his somewhat radical worldview.

Vladimir Putin. Remember when President Ronald Reagan created a mini furor in 1984 when during a test of his radio broadcast that accidentally got leaked where he joked that he had signed into law a bill that would "outlaw Russia (the Soviet Union) forever, we begin bombing in five minutes?" Well imagine if Joe Biden did something similar present day. In today's hypertoxic political environment, and in a day and age where anything can and is used against you in the court of public opinion, doing so would be a very unwise thing, but one can dream, right?

Ron DeSantis' Presidential Ambitions. At least we're safe from that for another four years. I for one hope that it's permanent. 

These Nonstop Pharmaceutical Ads. Big pharma taken over our airwaves as bad as those lame car insurance ads I wrote about earlier in this post. From bad singing and dancing to the same three people (including Cyndi Lauper) promoting one product for the last seven years to "CHECK, CHECK, and CHECK!!!" Enough already!

Artificial Intelligence. I swear this will be the ultimate downfall of human civilization if we aren't careful with how it's used, which ideally, is none at all.

My Social Media Profiles. Come on, admit it. You lo-key wish I would just go away, wouldn't you? 😉. And finally...

Being 49. You read that right, I turn 50 next week. Hopefully, it will be a celebration throughout the year (because you only turn 50 once) and much better than my 40th birthday which was hijacked by a drunken duo of former in-laws (that I no longer have anything to do with) at some lame dinner theater in Osceola County. Like a commercial of my youth stated, "if you're going to go, go all out." That's what I'm aiming for in the year 2024.

As always, I'll have more thoughts on more things on Twitter. Until next week (unless something comes up), later.

Bony Scribe

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