Friday, January 26, 2024

Fool Me Once...

 Good evening, everyone except you, Red. Or should I say liar. Nothing like being reassured that someone you've been interested in since heck, 2020 that she has nothing romantic involved only for it to be untrue less than a week later. Yeah, Red you f*cked up royally. So, I may as well cut a WWE-style promo on her lying ass. Remember the entry a year and a half ago where someone snatched her away from me the day after I gave her a charm necklace? Fool me once, shame on you. This time, I'm not about to be fooled. But you know what sucks? The fact that she didn't have the courtesy to be upfront and honest with me. 

What makes it more frustrating is that for one of the very few times in my life, I thought I finally had a decent chance. There was talk of her meeting my family for lunch sometime, which last year would have been a definite no-go because my oldest sister was alive then. Now that she's gone that opens up the door for me a little bit. She actually did meet one of my sisters briefly last spring/summer at a local Chili's. And it would have been the first true relationship I've had in over two decades, and that one was a work situationship that didn't pan out. The fact that it has been over two decades to be in a relationship is bad. So, you can sense my hunger from that standpoint. 

And she kind of knew this already, but she didn't want to talk about it for whatever reason, whether she was too busy when I did see her (and everyone is running interference) or whether she was busy with her kids. She was awfully tight lipped about everything, quite shady to be honest. It was something that I thought would be crucial if things were to go further; the ability to tell my story and show her how burned I've been in decades past.

But NOOOOOO!! She had to stay shady and secretive until last night, when she decided to spill the beans. Gee, no wonder her ex-fiancée treated her badly if that is indeed the case, and call me a bit naive, but I'm hoping it isn't. I thought she was better than that, and I may leave a door cracked for her to explain herself, if she isn't chicken-shit about it. Otherwise, it's bye, Felicia (ironically, one of the women in the past that has burned me was named Felicia). 

Oh, and the guy she's now seeing is pro-MAGA. Barf...


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