Thursday, February 8, 2024

Some Fiftieth Birthday Wishes

 Hello everyone. I'm sitting here as my 50th birthday is about to wrap up, but not the celebration. Tomorrow for me personally will be big, if not petty, as I encounter my now former love interest for a few moments to properly celebrate my birthday. Then, after an off day, I'll chill and watch the Super Bowl with my sisters. I kind of hope San Francisco wins, one because I'm sick and tired of Kansas City winning all the time (I mean they are the new Patriots) and two I'll mention below. But for now, I want to put out some wishes I have for these upcoming next twelve months.

First, I just wish that people would stop lying to me. I think you know who this is directed to. Bend over backwards as much as you can to treat someone sweet and ensure that they are the one you're seeking, only to be sold a bill of goods so that I would continue to look like a sucker and a fool. I know that everyone plays the fool, as Aaron Neville once sang, but gosh almighty, what this woman did only gave me false hope, and that's about as low as one can go. Others now know about the situation and are quite sympathetic towards me. Tomorrow, I hope she realizes how bad she fucked up. Then again, she probably has no feelings, because gingers don't have souls.

Another thing I wish to see is the end of media-generated political propaganda in our country. Yes, from both sides. I'm sick of hearing about Biden's old age hindering his ability to govern, and I'm just as sick of hearing how much the US should support Israel when in fact, they have been targeting civilians in the ongoing (and never-ending) conflict against Palestine. This is an argument you can't win either way. If you say you condemn Israel, you're anti-Semitic. If you support the Netanyahu regime, you're pro-genocide. Either way, you're screwed. At this point, if I were president, and I don't want to be, I wouldn't give either one of these fuckers a penny. Now humanitarian aid? Yes. But that's it. Strongly condemn the actions of both sides and try to work with the UN to find a cease-fire and peaceful solution, if there is one. But what about Ukraine? I think there should be funding for their defense, because Putin is a global danger and will be until he croaks. Same thing with Li Jinping over in China. By the way, China's economy is tanking right now, which leads me to display this GIF from Dave Chappelle:

Oh, and one other thing, in the words of the late George Carlin, "fuck Tucker."

Now, for the second part of as to why I'd like to see San Francisco win on Sunday. 2024 has seen some rather interesting parallels to 2020, and we're a mere five weeks into the year. Not only are we getting a San Francisco-Kansas Super Bowl, but in all likelihood the presidential election will be Biden vs. Trump...again. Clemson men's basketball won in Chapel Hill for the first time ever in 2020. They just did it again this week for the second time ever. That isn't all though, check out this tweet from NFL Memes. So, I'm thinking that if Kansas City wins, the incumbent president will lose the election, and I don't want four more years of a goddamned clown show like we had in from 2017-2021. And another thing, we better not have a p(l)andemic like we had in 2020.

But more than anything, this upcoming twelve months, I want to finally have at long last a worthwhile girlfriend, one who won't lie to me or lead me on path to a dead end street. Someone beautiful both inside and out. I deserve it more than anything. 


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