Thursday, December 29, 2022

Some Loose Ends

 Hello again everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Holiday, and that you were able to stay warm. Well folks, we've reached that awkward time of year between Christmas and New Year's where everyone and their uncle or aunt does a recap of the past twelve months, and there are all sorts of "in memoriams" of all the ones we tragically lost this year.

Well, here's mine; 2022 flat out stunk, but there were some highlights. One, this blog was the most it's been active. This will mark I believe the 100th entry I have made this year, so at least I'm trying to put myself out there? Also, for the first time in two years (thanks T****), I was able to go out and do things on my own. In fact, the biggest highlight of my year came last week. But beyond that, 2022 was a major disappointment. I was hopiing that this was the year that my seven-year dateless streak would finally end. Instead, one love interest got back with her ex and promptly got herself pregnant, and one other love interest in the span of three months got herself engaged. And yes, my family tried to interfere with both situations. Like it's a crime if I fall in love or something. Give me a doggone break...

Elsewhere in Bonyscribe world, my mental health at times were total crap (precipitated by what I just wrote above). Most of what I wrote could be given to a psychiatrist for analysis. That being said, I haven't an in-person counseling session since the start of the (seemingly never-ending) pandemic, some two years ago. And I don't know if I will in the future. Most of my friend are just too far away from me or work in a place that my family doesn't approve of me going to. Screw it, I'm going to keep going there anyway in 2023. My sleep schedule has been practically non-existent this year (hell, it's 4am as I'm typing this), and things have been more down recently than they've been up.

All I can hope for is that 2023 will be much, much better than 2022 was, because quite frankly, it was disappointing.

Some loose ends to tie up. Remember the half-hearted bowl previews I wrote about two weeks ago? Well, here's a grand total of bowl games I've seen so far this year: 

That's right, zero. I might watch the National Championship game, but that's about it. So, my picks are as follows: Georgia over Ohio State and Michigan over TCU with Michigan winning the natty. Oh, and the final flashback of 2022 will be later this week. I'll probably do a year-end flashback since the week between Christmas and New Year's no charts are/were usually published for the holiday.

At least I got around to typing this, though. I need to stop slacking for 2023. Until next time. 

More to come


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