Good morning, everyone, especially to Sen. Neil Warnock of Georgia. I'm up this early morning because my sleep schedule after the exhilarating Monday night football game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New Orleans Saints is completely off kilter. That and consuming Pepsi Zero at the wrong time of day. So here I am. That's the thing about being an aspiring writer, you kind of keep your own schedule...for now.
Wanted to start off this early Wednesday with some potentially disappointing and crushing news to me personally. I found out earlier this week that possibly sometime next year, there is a distinct possibility I may relocate. No, I don't really have a say in the matter; remember my designated care giver is my eldest sister who thinks she is the self-described matriarch of the family. Anyway, the location she is looking at? Wilson, North Carolina. Her rationale is that it is "Centrally located" and that I (and the sisters) could take a train to other parts of the state (the youngest of the sisters lives near Jacksonville). Do I want to move? No, not really. My biggest issues right now are 1) I still have numbness on my left side from my stroke; that I'm afraid is permanent. 2) public transportation is kinda crappy around Spring Hill, where I am now. I want to get my writing career off the ground, but doing so takes a little bit of money, and my sister controls all my finances. "But why don't you ask her?" you ask. Well to quote a Capital One commercial from the last decade, the answer's always no. You know I'll keep y'all updated on this developing situation in the coming months...

Meanwhile, one of my packages is coming tomorrow. I have to determine when I'll meet my bartender friend/possible crush deliver said gifts. As or the next couple of flashback segments, I may do a year-end one since the end of 2022 is approaching. My wrestling viewing (as far as old Raw's and Smackdown's are concerned) is approaching the summer of 2001, it was about that time that HHH tore his quadricep and was out of action for several months. As a matter of fact, I think the next Raw I'll watch (the one after the Judgement Day PPV in 2001) was the Raw where he got injured. I didn't see it live of course; I didn't watch it religiously until after the Ruthless Agression era started.
I haven't watched the news much since Election Day, I've only kept up on the occasional story (like the one in
Moore County, NC). I did watch a
police pursuit in Los Angeles tonight via Twitch, but that ended with no resolution. Don't worry, the long arm of the law will get thier man eventually. And to think at the beginning of this year, I wanted to visit Los Angeles. Maybe I will someday...
There are a lot of places I would like to visit someday. Perhaps even a return trip to NYC or Philly or even Chicago. St. Louis isn't out of the question either. I'd like to visit Seattle/PNW again. Texas? Nahhh. Okay, maybe the Metroplex but not Houston. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my dream for the end of my time on Earth is to do what my father didn't get to do because he sired me; travel throughout the country. But I don't really want to go it alone (no, I don't want family involved either), Maybe I'll get lucky one day and my ship will come in, LOL.
Well, that's all for now.
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