Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Have We All Gone Crazy?

 Good morning. While awaiting my computer to boot up this morning (which I'll probably have to do again later today; that's another story for another time), I was thinking about a brief conversation I had with my sister Carmel on Monday night. She was having a conversation with someone younger while she was still living in North Carolina, and she was asking the younger woman if she believed in dating and such, and the younger woman said that they didn't really believe in that. According to her, it was pretty much a hook-up culture. Now I really can't relate to what she was talking about, because I haven't been on a date in almost eight years and have been vastly unsuccessful in procuring any type of relationship for longer than that. But it got me to thinking, especially after the latest circumstance with the one I had been pursuing for the last year-plus; have we all gone insane?

It already takes an act of Congress for me to go out on my own to begin with, thanks to overbearing siblings, so I don't go out much to begin with. Plus, it seems like I fall for someone, something unbelievable and fluky happens to screw the whole situation up, like I would lose contact with somebody, or they just move away for unknown reasons. One thing I can't understand though, is why one mere month after starting a relationship with someone, they're already married? Excuse me?? Like you just got out of a year-long relationship with someone and now you're married to someone else??? Have you gone crazy?


Better yet, have we ALL gone crazy? Just look at some of our celebrities and our society as a whole since the turn of the millennium. People don't interact in person like they used to. Most of our shopping is done online instead of in person. There aren't many standing bookstores left. Record stores are all but non-existent. Even some grocery stores are going the way of the dodo bird. Yeah, COVID played a part, but this has been going on for about a decade now. Worse yet, people are falling more and more for propaganda and false news from all ends of the spectrum. Oh, and don't get me started on religion; my sisters are somewhat religious whereas I would rather have freedom FROM religion. And every other commercial on television nowadays is for some pharmaceutical product. 

I used to think that the "mental health crisis" in America was just a phrase. Maybe sadly, it might be our reality.

And yes, I had to reboot my computer twice just to complete this.


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