Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Nosy Nellie...

 Hello once again. Today, I thought I would vent a little bit about my eldest sister, who can't seem to stay out of other's business. The latest involves the woman I'm currently interested in. When I went to tell her about her wanting to see me, she chimed in with twenty-one questions about where she works, what she looks like, and if she can see her too. The answers were none of her business (although I told her a restaurant in New Port Richey, which is about 20 miles from me), and no she couldn't see her. This is the same sister who would not allow me to take a trip four years ago to see someone, and wanted to chaperone me when I visited St. Louis three years ago. Like what am I, a teenager who never grew up?! Gosh almighty, ever since I've been alive, she's tried to insert herself in every relationship that my late brothers and myself have been involved in. Maybe it was a good thing my father married so fast after my mother passed away; he knew what was coming. She tried to get custody after Halloween 1981, when my mother died. And I could go on and on about her petty battles between her and one of my sisters-in-law. Granted this sister-in-law wasn't necessarily a bastion of great behavior; in fact, she was anything but. Anyhow, those petty battles made it seem like both my sister and late sis-in-law would have made for an entertaining episode of "Celebrity Deathmatch" if they were famous. Thank goodness that isn't the case. Oh, and did I mention the time she broke up an online relationship (with help from my equally invasive cousin) between me and a woman from Germany? I was going to make plans to visit Germany around 2010 to investigate what this possible relationship was all about. Of course, I had to jump the gun and say that I was going to relocate to Germany on MySpace (remember that?), which sounded all sorts of alarms within the family. I likely wouldn't have relocated anyway, but least the family could have allowed me an opportunity to investigate. Gosh, CAN'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS LIKE THIS??!! WHO I DECIDE TO TALK TO OR SEE IS NONE OF THEIR DAMNED BUSINESS!!


Alright, now that my rant is now out of the way, let me talk about my excursion tomorrow. I have an appointment at the local VA tomorrow at 10am, but I have to be at the closest bus stop to me at 7:30. Why? Because the regional bus systems (especially here in Hernando County) are somewhat disjointed. I have to take the local Green line at 7:30 to catch the Purple line, 40 minutes after drop-off. The Purple line the connects to a line that will take me directly to the VA clinic, half an hour before my appointment. Oh, did I mention I have to fast? So afterwards, I get to eat lunch. Maybe I'll pay a visit to that restaurant (wink wink). Either way, I should have a great day tomorrow.

Thank you for allowing me to get that off my chest, and thanks again for reading. Until next time...


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