Monday, October 29, 2018


Good eeeevening…

It's that week where every year, people get to play dress-up to spook away all the evil spirits that may be lurking. No, I'm not talking about the Zombie Apocalypse, the Purge, or the rise of #FloridaMan; I'm of course talking about Halloween.

For most people, Halloween is a time for Trick-or-Treating, and apple bobbing, and (if you're over 21) drinking various spirits. For me though, it's a rather somber day. In 1981 at the age of seven, I lost my mother.

From that day on, Halloween didn't mean all that much other than that. I don't remember trick-or-treating much after that. In fact, from the time I was maybe 10 until about 34 (2008) I personally didn't do jack shit for Halloween. Primarily because I had to work nights.

Then in 2008 on a rare night off from work, I decided to live a little and decide to play dress-up myself. Long story short, I wound up looking like this:

A cross between David C. Pumpkins and a lame pimp daddy. At least I tried.

Fast forward to 2010, and my friend from high school who I was interested in at the time dressed me up as Spock. We spent all night in downtown Orlando, and then to a wild-ass block/house party at some guy's house (I don't know who, nor did I care; I stayed in the woman's car with another female because I legit thought we were going to get busted). The next day, me and the woman I was seeing took her daughter trick-or-treating. Probably, the best memory of Halloween  I had.

Since then, nothing. Either work got in the way, or more recently, my health. Would I go out for Halloween again? Sure I would. Can I go out? Well, I have a couple of appointments with the VA that day, so technically yes. But, my one sister refuses to acknowledge it because of mom and for other reasons.

Talk about a Debbie Downer; say, that's a costume idea! Oh well. Enjoy your Halloween everyone!


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