Saturday, October 20, 2018

Meh Kind Of Saturday

You ever have one of those days where had no energy or desire to do anything, and it seems like everyone you know felt the same, and it seems like events surrounding you were somewhat uninspiring? That's how I feel today.

I don't know why though. Yesterday was pretty decent; my TC returned after a few days off, I was feeling rather pleasant most of the afternoon and evening, the music sounded a little better, it wasn't a perfect day by any stretch, but it felt like nothing could go wrong that was of any consequence (other than the Orlando Tragic, but that's an entirely different story altogether).

Today feels different. Have you seen those Honda ads that are out lately where every car has "blah" or "meh" written on them and are in this bland light brown/cream color? Until the Honda arrives and suddenly it's full of color again. That's the best way to describe what's happening.

Maybe it's because I was up so late last night on social media and watching an old episode of "Raw is War" (that's what "Raw" was called until after 9/11/01). When I woke to grab some oatmeal at 8am, I was honestly half asleep. I still felt that way for lunch this afternoon. It wasn't until about 3 this afternoon that I was fully awake, and even then I wanted to go back to sleep.

But there were a few things I wanted to get accomplished. I wanted to shave my beard before I go to a Social Security appointment on Tuesday. Plus I have an appointment with my mental health counselor on Wednesday (that should be fun for reasons I'd rather not discuss publicly). Before then,
I have some loose ends that need to be tied up. Tonight, I'll be busy watching TV, where EVERYTHING is seemingly happening at once (Lightning hockey, Magic basketball, UCF football, and Game 7 of the NLCS if I can stand watching Marlins Man). Then it's SNL. After that I should go to bed so that tomorrow I can watch the Bucs try not to trip over themselves against the Browns.

Did I say Bucs? The way they've been playing lately, I'd be better off sleeping anyway.



  1. hey Chris - great to see you blogging again bro - sounds like it's been a rough journey but this is one great way of lifting yourself out of it - good job and keep on, love brett fish from @AFrikkinHashtag
