Thursday, February 3, 2022

2/2/22; A Miserable Day

 Hello everyone. You ever make plans for a potentially big, perhaps even life-altering day only to have it completely ruined by one individual or entity? Well, that's what happened to me yesterday; a day that started off full of promise went to literal crap yesterday, and this is the story behind it. 

It all began innocuously enough with my sister dropping me off at the closest bus stop to where I live, which just happened to be the hospital on County Line Road, I was dropped off at 9:15 expecting a 9:30 pick up time. However, when I checked the Pasco County Transit website, it informed me that the bus would not arrive until 10am, I should have known then I was in for a long day.

The driver of said bus had a particularly thick foreign accent, such that I couldn't really understand him, but I told him that I was going to try and pick up a (not really) connecting bus at the intersection of SR 52 and Little Road; the bus route I was taking doesn't stop at the intersection, but close by close the high school, and the bus I was trying to connect to doesn't stop at the high school. Some regional transport system we have here, I tell you.

Anyway, the driver was horrible; he was the type of driver that would speed up and slow down suddenly, and this created a huge issue for me as I suddenly came down with motion sickness. I didn't say anything because 1) I didn't want the driver mad at me and 2) I didn't want to create a scene despite me being the only passenger. Just as we reach the last stop, his sudden starting and stopping finally got to me, and I wound up with incontinence, some dry heaving yes, but incontinence. What's even worse, he tied to instruct me to sit before he opened the door. Let me tell you, it took all the self-restraint I had not to assault the sorry S.O.B. with my cane, instead a gave a rather nasty "thanks" to him as I stormed off.

First thing was I did obviously try to find a restroom to duck into, fortunately there was a Burger King close by. So, I went into the bathroom and got busy; no, not like the Digital Underground song from 1990. I cleaned myself as well as I could, until I ran out of toilet paper. After about 30 minutes, I then walked from there all the way to the VA Outpatient Clinic, which is about a three-mile walk, with a cane. I barely made it on time (noon) for my lab appointment. The drawing of blood went well, but I still had to provide a urine sample, and despite drinking about a quart of water that morning, I was still a bit dehydrated from all that walking. Oh, and I didn't see any buses on the 21 Route along the way. So, even if I didn't have the accident from earlier, I would have been screwed. 

Anyway, I wound up having to sit in a break area and drink a bottle of water until I was able to go, and when I did, I barely went. Afterwards, I cleaned myself up again as best as I could, and then waited for the bus to take me to where I needed to go, until I realized something; my sister's Uber (which is on my phone for some reason). So, I decided to take an Uber to the intersection of Spring Hill Drive and 19, where I then waited for ANOTHER bus (about an hour later) to take me to a place somewhat close to my neighborhood. Finally, about six hours later, I was home. Exhausted and hungry (keep in mind, I had to fast for this lab work) and quite pissed. 

What upset me the most was the earlier accident on the bus took away any other plans I had for that day. I was going to a local restaurant and see an old acquaintance of mine who I hadn't seen in nearly four years, and possibly kindle some sort of friendship or something even more. But of course, life got in the way of my plans. It makes me wonder if the Universe has it out for me or something. First, I get the silent treatment for merely sending out an early Valentine's Day gift, now this. I SERIOUSLY SHOULD NOT HAVE TO JUMP THROUGH A BUNCH OF RED TAPE AND OTHER SHENANIGANS JUST TO ESTABLISH AT LEAST A FRIENDSHIP. 

And don't get me started with the crap I have to deal with my eldest sister. I was going to try to go to that restaurant today, but because she had to have a medical procedure at 6:15, which is why she couldn't drive me to the VA yesterday, I couldn't go with them, and I couldn't leave the house (with no house key). Plus, they didn't get back until noon, so I'll have to wait until TOMORROW to attempt to go there. Why does everything I try to do have to be such a pain in the ass? 

At least I survived to tell about it, and I'm still here. That's something to be thankful for. And my birthday is still coming up in six days, so at least I'll have something to look forward to...unless that goes to crap too, like yesterday.

More 💩 to come


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