Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving.

After a day in which I felt absolutely miserable, and let myself go a bit too much on this blog (which I have now deleted), I am in better spirits this evening. Funny what a little conversation with my middle sister can do.

I don't want to get too much into detail about our family issues (and we all have them), but suffice to say the eldest one of the bunch an be quite difficult to deal with, and some of that has rubbed off on the middle sister, and unfortunately me. Let's just say that events over the past two weeks (cell phone, plans to travel), and my eldest's involvement in said events, pretty much had me on edge.

For Thanksgiving it's just going to be us three plus my middle sister's boyfriend (who lives in central Florida). We'll have our usual Thanksgiving Feast, but it's store-bought from Publix. My youngest sister will be in NC with her son, his wife, and grandkids. My daughter will I guess be in Kentucky with her boyfriend, I sent her a Happy Thanksgiving message via social media (because no cell phone). She hasn't spoken to me since she graduated high school, and I doubt she will acknowledge this message, but I'm hopeful.

Thanksgiving has been harder for me as years go by, simply because of the fact that I've always been by myself with the exception of my Navy years and 2011, when my then roommate and I spent it at her parents' house (or was that Christmas). No, my daughter hasn't been to visit my family for Thanksgiving, but that was by design; I didn't want to expose her to all the negativity that seemingly runs rampant in my family. In fact, she has never seen any of my siblings.

I wish I was more happy-go-lucky instead of Debbie Downer, but depression runs in my family, so it's something I have to deal with (and am medicated for). But that doesn't mean I can't see the bright side of life (now you have that song from "Monty Python" in your head; you're welcome), so I try to pick up someone's spirits whenever I can.

Anyway, I hope you have a blessed and safe Turkey Day. Stay safe, stay warm, and try not to eat too much (yeah right). Tryptophan for the win!


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