Sunday, January 19, 2025

Quit Yer Bitchin...Wait, WHAT?!

 "This world is bullshit."

Fiona Apple, 1997 MTV Video Music Awards


Good evening, everyone. On this the day before the potential end of our democracy (yeah, right), I thought I would take this time to relay to you some of what I've seen online the last couple of days. First off, this "Tik Tok ban" that somehow went into effect yesterday but magically came back to life today. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!! Something seems awfully screwy about this whole thing, I mean today there was a message thanking President Trump in his efforts to get the ban overturned. 

There's one issue though with that statement...HE WON'T BE PRESIDENT UNTIL NOON TOMORROW!! Maybe this entire debacle was a scam all along, much like the FIRST four years of the Trump presidency. Hell, I've even seen statements this Sunday afternoon about how that there's no more CEO of TikTok. Was it sold, and to whom, Meta? I sadly wouldn't doubt that this were the case, but gosh almighty what a debacle.

Speaking of debacles, let me talk about what went down yesterday in our nation's capital. You all brought this on yourselves if you think about it. In September, when President Biden decided to drop out and not run for reelection (right call btw), you all bitched and moaned and decided to not show up at the polls when November came, and what happened? Trump not only won the electoral college, but the popular vote as well. Now you want to bitch and moan because he's president tomorrow and will be ready to fuck shit up, as usual. So, you know what? You have nobody to blame but yourselves for not showing up to the polls. 

Wait a minute, I'm hearing something coming out of his double-jerk off rally in DC from Sunday. 

Trump on Elon Musk: "He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."

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— Aaron Rupar ( January 19, 2025 at 5:50 PM

 I'm sorry, WHAT??!!

So, you're telling me that he now is admitting to the world that his and Squealon Muskrat conspired to rig the election after all. Well in that case, there IS something to gripe about. But are you sure Trump is telling the truth in that statement? I mean he's still invoking the "late great Hannibal Lecter" in his speeches. So, are we even certain to believe every damned word he is saying?

In any event, get ready for another roller coaster ride. We survived the last one, hopefully we'll survive this one as well.

By the way I'm calling it now, Trump doesn't finish this four-year term.

Follow me on BlueSky everyone!


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