Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Here We Go...Again

 Good morning, except for you Squealon Chickenshit Muskrat. That was a lousy stunt you tried to pull on the people of America on Sunday. You may have deleted the post since then, but the internet is forever, and several of us have receipts. Anyway, I fortunately woke up NOT feeling like P. Diddy. Yes Kesha, I guess that opening lyric from "Tik Tok" (which I think you should be getting royalties from the app TikTok for) was somewhat karmic when you consider Dr. Luke, the alleged Harvey Weinstein of the music industry, produced the song. But I digress...


Anyway, I'm somewhat licking my wounds after a terrible week in picking games in the NFL. Started 12-4, but lost the Thursday Night game, went 3-7 on the early games 2-1 on the late games, won the Sunday night catastrophe, but lost MNF thanks to an epic collapse from my Super Bowl favorite this year. I wish I had the knowhow to splice two sound bites together because I would follow Kirk Cousins "YOU LIKE THAT!" quote from several years ago with Jameis Winston's "HELL NO!" quote from around the same time frame (I believe it was when the Bucs were on "Hard Knocks" when Jameis was in Tampa), because that's how Eagles fans and a few Bucs fans are feeling after that game. So, I wound up with a 6-10 record for the week, but I'm still above water at 18-14 overall. Now you know why I don't bet on sports.

Had a lab appointment in Port Ritchey yesterday and will have a follow-up next week. Hopefully, I should get good results back. On the way there though, I noticed that traffic on Shady Hills Rd was rather heavier than usual (I know it was around the time of school starting) and on Little Road, some drivers were rather impatient. Then on the way back, I saw one car nearly run off Little Road and one vehicle on Shady Hills pull out nearly out of control in front of where me and my sisters were driving. It was like Crazy Town. Then again, there's a full moon tonight, so maybe that's it. 

Or is it? Because man was there some crazy shit that went down this weekend. Some of it stemming from Donald Trump's crazy (and untrue) rant on illegal aliens eating cats and dogs. First, the flat-out hideous. Reports surfaced over the weekend that numerous bomb threats had been claimed in Springfield, Ohio alone. Some of which targeted schools. Then the ridiculous, JD Vance, the Ohio Senator who is Trump's running mate this election went on CNN on Sunday and said that they sometime makeup stories and somehow spun it to pin the blame on The Biden Administration's immigration policies. Reminds me of a radio host a couple of decades ago named Lionel, who once upon a time had a show on Tampa Bay's misinformation station, News Radio 970 WFLA, who in one of his promos back then said that they just make it up. By the way, 970 is nothing but right-wing talk radio FWIW. At least I think they still are--I haven't listened to them since the 2016 election. Oh, speaking of Vance, he doubled down on a racist quote made by Donald Trump's new flame (allegedly), and serial Botox abuser Laura Loomer. 

THEN there's the big event that took place Sunday, another assassination attempt on Trump, this time thankfully with no shots fired on the former POTUS. The potential shooter wound up being a certifiable nutcase from Greensboro, NC who once voted for 45 but became disillusioned and was calling for Vivek Ramalamadingdong or whatever his name is (Ramaswamy) and Nikki Haley to run instead. He also laid out on his social medias (which have now been wiped) his plans for the ongoing war in Ukraine, amongst other things. Now the Secret Service dropped the ball big time when Trump was supposedly shot back earlier this summer. I say supposedly because I sure as hell saw no evidence of his ear being hit by a bullet. And the modified maxi-pad he wore over his ear during the RNC? Didn't help his cause as far as optics are concerned. This story though appears to be more straightforward, but Routh was in his hideout spot for twelve hours. Okay, Trump's golf outing was supposedly a last-second change of plans because he was supposed to make a campaign stop on Sunday (I can't find evidence of such news), so how did he know he was going to be there? Did somebody tip him off? Furthermore, you would think that the Secret Service would have scouted the perimeter of Mar-A-Lago to weed out any threats, yet Routh was there for twelve hours. How was he able to avoid being detected until he stuck his AK-47 through the bushes the afternoon of? Not as many questions as the case in Pennsylvania, but still...oh, and nice virtue signaling from our bum-ass governor deciding to waste Florida taxpayer dollars on doing his own investigation 😒.

Quite honestly, I can't wait for election season to be over with. If you follow my Twitter page you know where my thoughts lie, and I, as I imagine a lot of other voters, are exhausted with the rhetoric and the vile mudslinging that has gone on for almost a decade now. I wish I could do exclusively flashbacks and NFL picks on this blog, yet here we are...again.


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