Friday, March 31, 2023

Best Week...EVER??

Hello again everyone. Remember when VH-1 was still kind of a music channel some twenty years ago, and wasn't all bad reality TV and a modern version of "The $1.98 Beauty Show" (which my late mother loved for some reason)? Around the middle of the 00's, sandwiched somewhere among such shows as "I Love The 80s" and "Behind The Music" was a show called "Best Week Ever," which was a weekly summation of events in pop culture with one individual being deemed (somewhat facetiously) as having the "best week ever."

Well, let's take a look at Florida's very own Bum-Ass Governor, better known to everyone as Ron DeSantis. Earlier this week, DeSantis had a major egg, make that THREE eggs (in the shape of Mickey Mouse) on his face. DeSantis, of course, controversially eliminated the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which doesn't pay taxes to the state however does provide the necessary roads, infrastructure, etc. that taxpayers would normally be on the hook for otherwise. He eliminated the members of the board and lined up his new "bored" with his five biggest campaign contributors. Well, on my birthday (February 8), the day before the Floriduh Legislature met in a special session to hand the RCID to BAG, the RCID played the ultimate Uno Reverse Card

Under the agreement – quietly approved on February 8 as Florida lawmakers met in special session to hand DeSantis control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District – Disney would maintain control over much of its vast footprint in Central Florida for 30 years and, in some cases, the board can’t take significant action without first getting approval from the company.

How long will this last exactly? A lot longer than 30 years. So yes, I suppose the British Royal Family is of some use after all. 

Ron does a bamboozle


As everyone knows already by now, DeSantis's chief political rival for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, yeah, THAT guy, was indicted yesterday for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. Never have I ever rooted for a p0rn star so badly in my life. Anyway, DeSantis said yesterday that he would not assist in giving Trump up to police in NYC, although it's required by law in the Constitution. 

So, let me get this straight, BAG wants to run for president, where he is sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution, but he won't follow the Constitution in this particular instance. Sorry BAG, but that's not how things work. So, another Disney shaped egg is heading your way. Hey, BAG, why don't I allow one of Florida's own to tell you what we all think:

Ron DeSantis, you're having the "BEST WEEK EVER!!" 

More to come



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