Hello everyone, it's me doing some writing again to talk about the other stuff I left off in my last entry. I filled with Pepsi and ready to go. Besides with it now being April, we can say this: March Madness leads to April Anger, May Bargaining, June Acceptance, then Summertime Sadness.
Bombs Over Baghdad Belogorod
Overnight, news broke that a fuel depot in Russia was attacked, apparently by Ukrainian helicopters. If this were indeed the case and not a result of self-sabotage (remember these are the Russians we're talking about here), this could potentially be a game-changer, and not in a good way. NATO has stated time and again that they weren't going to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, and if Ukraine did attack a fuel depot on Russian soil, things might escalate to the point where NATO may have no other choice but to get involved. I haven't watched the news in a few days, but it's something we may want to stay tuned for.
Biden: uh-oh...
The Slap Heard Around The World
Unless you've been living under a rock awaiting the forty-millionth civilization annihilating asteroid, you're well aware by now of what happened at the
Academy Awards Sunday night. At first I thought WWE would take immediate advantage and book the two (or at least caricatures of them) in a slap off for this weekend's WrestleMania in Arlington, Texas. But alas, they won't. Maybe it's for the better anyway, for you know what happened the
LAST time WWE used caricatures for celebs. For those who don't follow
wrestling sports entertainment, old Donny Boy got his ego hurt and wound up actually being in a WrestleMania match that year, and eight years later, he
won stole the Presidency. As for Will Smith, he was asked to leave the ceremony after Chris Rock put his wife's name in his f---ing mouth, but refused. He then took the OSCAR for best actor. After mulling whether or not to punish Smith for his actions, Smith decided to take matters
into his own hands. The moral of this paragraph? Actions have consequences, and usually not for the better.

This picture should get a Pulitzer...
That Escalated Quickly
This morning, I got a DM on my Instagram account. It started rather innocuously, accepting her friend request there. Not even a few minutes in, she says I'm nice because I was going to help her without knowing her concerning an art contest up in Canada, where she's from, and that it was a turn on for her. Well, thanks but we're kinda strangers. We get to introducing each other, I tell her about myself, and she does likewise. She then asks if I'm in a relationship, to which I say no (I told her about my last failed attempt last month). She has to leave (for work I assume), but comes back later. The conversation suddenly goes to me going to Canada to visit because life here is kinda boring without me really going anywhere without the aid of public transportation for the time being. Before I mention that I don't have a passport, she then says she could travel down to Florida. Then the conversation goes from 0-200 mph in the blink of an eye, telling me how she hasn't done the nasty since her husband died years ago, and says she's comfortable around me. Again, thanks for the compliment, BUT WE"RE STRANGERS! She then asks to see a picture, I oblige, hesitantly of a picture I took by the pool the other week. Then this happened:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. WHOA. You haven't met me and you already want to drive down from Canada to have sex with me? I might be lonely, but Jeez Louise, I'm not desperate. Hey miss, you ever go to PornHub or OnlyFans to get your rocks off? Because that's what you should look into.
Suffice to say, I won't be talking to her again. As for who I'm interested in, well as I said, nobody right now, but there are a few that I infrequently talk to, but the combined chances of me going out with any of them are less than 0.00001% One's supposedly supports Trump (no chance in hell), and one other one is Vegan (nope, not doing that). Maybe this month will be different, that is if family doesn't butt into my business like they usually do. As for the last one, I'm still stinging a bit, but I'm open to be friends with her again if she wants...
Well, I guess I'll wrap up here and try to figure out why WWE Network on Peacock isn't allowing watching old Raws in Chronological order anymore. IN the meantime, enjoy your weekend.
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