Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Hello, everyone. In case you've been wondering where your boy has been the past week and a half, well I've been here, just not active on this blog; indulge me if you will.

Remember at the beginning of the last entry where I gave the woman I was trying to speak to those roses? Well, let's just say things have been progressing splendidly. But I may have goofed up. I let my feelings towards her be known. Haven't heard from her since Saturday night, when I told her how I felt. So, what happens from here, I don't know. Would be nice to hear something back though. So, that's pretty much why I've been absent; I'm falling in love.

No, I haven't ignored what's going on in Ukraine, not by a long shot. Putin is who we thought he was, a vile, cold-hearted madman. Despite that, the Ukrainians have put up a brave fight in defense of this unwarranted invasion. A week in and the Russians have just now only captured their first city, a small port city between Odesa and illegally Russian-annexed Crimea. However, there has been lots of destruction in Kharkiv and Kiev, and it could only get worse. 

Meanwhile, last night was the State of the Union address. As divided as our Nation has been, especially over the past five years, I kind of expected Joe Biden's first SOTU as not entirely doom and gloom, but not all-Pollyanna either. Instead, he was very optimistic about our Nation's immediate future, even so much as getting a "U-S-A!!" chant in the middle of it. Yes, there were times that there was partisan yelling, including one rather disgusting display by Lauren Boebert. Not to mention her partner in crime Marjorie Taylor Greene. 

Dumb and dumber...

Instead of making fetch happen, these mean girls got nearly booed out of the House Chamber, and the SOTU continued without a hitch, although at times I wondered what President Biden was talking about. Hey, Mr. President, how about we build a wall to keep Boebert and Greene out of the Capitol Building?

Over this past week, I have a new favorite phrase. It's Russian, but it gets the point across: "Idi nakhuy." I don't have the ability to type it in Cyrillic, but it means "go (bleep) yourself. There are many people who I could use it for, including Ted Cruz, Bimbo and Greed, Alex Jones, and especially Vladimir Putin and our bum-ass governor, Ron DeSantis

I can't wait for his sorry ass to be voted out later this year.

Until later this week:


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