Saturday, March 19, 2022

***** *******(Due To Copyright Issues, I Have To Leave The Title Blank) Part 1

 Hello everyone. Yes, it's been a while, couple of weeks to be exact. I would love to tell you everything in Bony Scribe World, but I'm afraid some of you would then consider this entry TLDR. So, I could do one of two things, divvy up what happened into several posts, or give you a Reader's Digest Condensed/Cliff's Notes version of what happened, and believe me, a LOT happened. By the way, do kids in school nowadays still use Cliff's Notes?

Last week wasn't all that great save one shining...wait, I can't use that phrase, one memorable moment that happened that weekend. Monday, I couldn't go out because my sisters had a doctor's appointment, and that meant I had to stay home because guess what? Your man doesn't have his own house key. πŸ˜’ On Wednesday, I made the recommendation to my sister if I could get a bicycle sometime, and you know, build some strength in my legs and give me a little bit of freedom? It was shot down almost immediately. "YoU hAvE tRoUbLe WiTh YoUr bAlAnCe AnD i DoN't WaNt YoU iN tHiS tRaFfIc." Translation: she doesn't want me to wander too far from her because I'm her "responsibility." Uh, despite the fact that I had a stroke a few years ago does NOT mean that I can live my own life. Heck, I have $30,000 saved up in the bank that you won't let me see one red penny, instead you give me $250/month. Sure, that's enough to cover my bills, but you don't want me to have a life outside of home. What are you afraid of, that I might meet someone and actually fall in love? Remember the woman I was talking to? Everything was going fine until you and my other sister just HAD to get involved. You know what, I don't want to talk about that because it's only making me upset by writing this particular portion of the story. 

Then we go to Thursday. An Aetna representative came by where we live to give us interviews about, well our overall health. In the middle of my interview with the representative, you know what sis did? She decided to take it upon herself to inject HERSELF into MY interview. Even as so much as to infer to the representative that I might have autism and ADHD and trouble focusing. Good God almighty! I may be a little socially awkward, but I have NEVER been diagnosed with anything on the spectrum, and ADHD? Give me a (dad gummed) break!! Yes, I was a gifted child, but HOLY COW, I don't have ADHD. Never got diagnosed with that either. I don't know how many times my eldest sister has to hear this, but I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE!! I don't go to Christian School anymore (thank goodness), I've gotten older, hard as it is to believe. And when you get older, you tend to forget some things. That's how life works. I know it kills you that you never had kids of your own sis, but I'm not a kid, so stop treating me like one!

Then came Friday, I did get a chance to go out and talk about what I just wrote about above as well as some personal sh*t to a bartender who works somewhat nearby, but not exactly on the bus route. I approached the bar, and wouldn't you know it, the bartender I went looking for drove off. I stayed there for nearly an hour but cut my trip short to catch the bus across the street. I then watched some basketball somewhere else before my sisters had to come and get me. No, they wouldn't let me catch a bus to my neighborhood, they just HAD to come and get me. So, I stood outside like a chump, Fred Durst, for about an hour until they finally arrived. Anything to make me look stupid. On a side note, man was it windy that day! 


Then came this week, which was rather uneventful, except for Thursday, when I got scammed out of $100 by some Facebook skeez on a fan group of a show that I was a fan of but isn't coming back until later this year on Netflix. Remember what I wrote earlier? Well, I was going to use that money for perhaps a future date, now I have to try to find a way (like the Tampa Bay Lightning, who didn't do so tonight) to recoup that money, I guess I could try to sell the one NFT I have, but it's an NFT, so it's probably useless (my cashapp is $bonyscribe by the way). Must have been the full moon, which is weird because I usually have good fortuine when a full moon occurs, but not for me today, and apparently for others I know too. Friday though was much better, and today I'm writing this, so yes, things have improved.

OH, and that bartender? Turns out she's a Trump fan. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Suffice to say there will not be a return visit to that bar. But anyway, I have a video conference with my mental health counselor this Tuesday, so hopefully I can discuss what I wrote about earlier while that takes place (as long as you-know-who doesn't listen in). As for Monday, another visit may be in order. Not saying anything more than that because I don't want to jinx it. 

Next up, my thoughts on Putin's Folly (his "special military operation"...

Until then...


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