Thursday, June 27, 2024

Ohhhh Brother, Here We Go Again (The 2024 Presidential Debate Drinking Game)

 Good morning, everyone. Welcome to a day that is both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time; the date of the first Presidential Debate of 2024. Once again, it's President Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump, and given the age of both candidates, it should be sponsored by Geritol. While some of us will be watching with bated breath, others will just ignore it completely. Then there are those that would rather drink than watch this train wreck take place and that's where I come in. I think the best way to watch this debate is to make it into a drinking game, so grab your favorite bottle of liquor and play along!

Since the debate is being hosted by CNN, if Trump makes a reference to them as "fake news," take a shot.

Since the debate is held in Atlanta, if either candidate brings up the election subversion case in Georgia, take a shot. Take an additional shot if Trump brings up Fani Willis.

If Trump makes a personal insult, regardless of it's to Biden or either of the hosts, take a shot.

If Biden tells Trump to "shut up," take a double shot.

If either candidate kisses up to Benjamin Netanyahu, take a shot.

If Trump mentions anything about the war in Ukraine, take two shots, blyat.

If Stormy Daniels is mentioned, take a shot.

If Hunter Biden is mentioned, take a shot.

If "Dark Brandon" somehow appears, take THREE shots.

If Biden mentions how the economy is improving, take two shots.

If the Border Wall is mentioned, take a shot.

If Trump says "China," take a shot.

If Trump makes a bizarre facial expression, take a shot. Here are some examples:

If Trump breaks out in his gosh-awful dance of his. Drink the whole damned bottle. 

You know what? Maybe just grab a bottle of Everclear to wash that sight out of your system. Either way, you're sure to be blacked out by the end of the night and hopefully you won't remember what transpired later tonight when you wake up on Friday. 

In any event, if you decide to watch this debacle, please be careful. I don't want to hear of anyone suffering from alcohol poisoning from watching it. So, in the words of Edward R. Murrow, good night, and good luck.


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