Saturday, June 1, 2024

I Missed My Calling In Life

 Hello, and Happy Hurricane Season. Also, Happy Pride month for those who celebrate, now leave me alone. Doing some thinking over the past week, and I think I missed my calling in life. When I was a little bitty Bony Scribe living in Orlando, my father had all sorts of CB radio equipment in the garage. I remember hollering across a sinkhole/slash retention pond in our backyard, trying to emulate at my young and naive age the host of televangelists my mother would watch on television on Sunday mornings. But, as I grew older, my passions evolved towards sports and sports broadcasting, although I was anything BUT athletic growing up. In my teenage years, when I was living in small town North Carolina my focus turned to radio, but like I've said many times on this blog, it was somewhat Podunkville; the nearest major metro area was some 70/75 miles away (Raleigh/Durham) in a period of time in which North Carolina still had much of a Mayberry feel to it. Nowadays, Raleigh is a top-30 market. But did my parents do anything to help me with that? No. They were from the "greatest generation" and their philosophy on life was that I should continue my father's legacy, and that was to become an electrical engineer. 

So, instead of trying to become a broadcaster, I joined the Navy in the nuclear power program; I found out that I wasn't that good at it, but I survived, then after that I was going to attend USF, but surprise, I had a baby on the way back in Virginia. So, instead of going to school, I joined the Postal Service. It wasn't until 2010 that I tried to pursue that broadcasting dream of mine, and lo and behold, I was somewhat good at it, but again, life got in the way and that dram went away. I always thought that there was a small possibility I eventually re-pursue that dream, then I had a stroke in 2017. That dream was all but dead then. I guess I could have done a broadcast engineer or someone behind the scenes, but I had delusions of grandeur, I guess. Also, I think I would not have liked broadcasting in the Tampa Bay area because there are too many politics involved in this market; just my opinion but I don't think a neutral/left-leaning ideology would work in this market; I would be better off in Miami or possibly Orlando if I stayed in Florida. Maybe I could fit in in a larger market, like Philly or NYC. I don't know.

What I'm saying is I think I missed my calling in life I think. But you know what some say, never say never...

Bony Scribe

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