Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Well THAT Isn't Special...

Greetings again. Excuse the doom and gloom title, but something I heard last night had me a little unsettled. Last night before bedtime, I was having a brief convo with Gwen, and she said that sometime later this year, when my other sister Carmel moves down from NC, things are going to be a little different around the house. According to Gwen, when Carmel does wind up moving in, all three of us will start practicing devotionals (yes, really), in an attempt to "put God back in my life." 

Let me stop right there. First off, I believe there is something that holds the Universe together, HOWEVER, I do not subscribe to any certain religion, ESPECIALLY in this day and age. The rise (and fall) of televangelism, and the shifting of small, local churches into multidenominational arenas for worship have me left more than a little jaded. And that doesn't even take into account how weaponized religion has become in politics. Last I checked, we lived in the United States of America, not the Christo-Fascist Republic of the Bible Belt. 

If you were to ask me if I were to go to a church, I'd politely decline and cite my own beliefs. And as an Aquarian, I'll be damned if anyone is going to tell me what to do. Sorry sisters, but I'm not participating in your "come to Jesus" meetings. Do I believe? Yes. That's all you need to know. Do I know right from wrong? Yes. Will I live like a saint? Absolutely not. I know y'all wish we could return to thehalcyon days when people were friendlier and everyone got along with everyone.

Ideally, that would be the case, but, and I don't think I've said this on this blog before, "Mayberry" is dead. The last vestiges of went away with the ash and dust from the remnants of the World Trade Center towers, which were destroyed in the name of, wait for it, religion. 

Ever since that fateful day, there has been nothing but forever wars, divisiveness in our politics (more so than in the 1960s), and major distrust amongst our leaders. On BOTH sides of the aisle. To put into racing terms, one side is too tight (restrictive) and the is too loose (liberal). I don't want to live in a "Handmaid's Tale" world nor do I want to eat all my lunches at Hamburger Mary's. I had to deal with the former in my early years of my childhood, and no, I didn't really like it.

So, when it comes to how I live my life going forward, keep religion out of my face please.


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