Saturday, August 24, 2024

Why I Do So Many Flashbacks...

 Hi everyone, except for Ron DeSantis. No, we don't need more golf courses in Florida, ESPECIALLY at the expense of or state parks. I came on here tonight to try to explain a little bit why most of my blog entries are musical flashbacks. I saw the last night of the Democratic National Convention from Chicago, and the vibes that I got were that of a block party mixed with a bit of what I remember seeing as a teenager in 1988, when George H. W. Bush took the GOP nomination for president at the Superdome in New Orleans. On a side note, interesting how that particular facility would be an albatross of sorts for his son, but I digress.

odd Heisler--NY Times

I grew up in a Republican household, in fact my stepmother's brother had milk and cookies with President Reagan when they were children; they both grew up in northwestern Illinois. So, for mostly that reason, I aligned myself at the time with the Republican Party, even though I had little idea of politics at the time. The 1908s were a wonderful time to grow up in, even though I didn't really enjoy them as much as I would have liked to. Of course, the Buccaneers were flat-out awful, but there were more than enough things that made up for it. There weren't any wars, unless you call quick military operations in Libya and Panama wars, television was actually watchable for the most part. Instead of mindless talk shows that permeated the airwaves in the latter part of the decade and the 90's, we had Oprah, Sally, and of course Phil Donohue, May God rest his soul. There were game shows in the morning and reruns of Andy Griffith (at least in NC) in the afternoon, and of course MTV.

Speaking of which, the music that was on the radio was amazing, especially between 1983 and 1984. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel (who my sister REALLY enjoys 😂) Journey, Bon Jovi, etc. It seemed like such a simpler time.

Of course there were no bills to worry about, no families of our own that we had to take care of, just the innocence of being a kid...until puberty hit. Then our some of our eyesights started to change, the guys started growing facial hair, and the gals started know. Life was rapidly approaching us, and we had to adapt accordingly. 

That's probably why I do so many flashbacks to the 1980s on here, as well as play a lot of 80s music on Spotify to share; to go back in time somewhat when the worst thing that happened was a Space Shuttle breaking apart midflight. I long for those days, and I'd like to imagine many of you close to 50 feel the same way.

Thanks for reading.

Bony Scribe

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