Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Evening Post

 Hello again everyone, except for Collier County, Florida. Seriously, does it seem like every bad story nowadays seemingly emanate from Florida? I mean this week we had Fort Lauderdale got drenched in rain, and now the opposite side of the state is celebrating being on the wrong (and losing) side of the Civil War. At least nobody shot anybody up down here (that we know of), yet that was close enough to Florida, and the continuation of a disturbing trend across the country that has been happening the past two decades. Especially this week in Louisville. Sad. 

Personally, I had a pretty good week, but it could have been better to be honest. Gwen celebrated her 69th (nice) birthday today. The Rays are off to a torrid start to the season, and one of my favorite times of year starts this week as the Stanley Cup Playoffs begin. I'm afraid my Bolts aren't taking home Stanley this year, but three straight Final appearances is quite impressive however. Next week should be big; my banking situation that was put into big time flux when Jean died just after my birthday is finally taken care of, and it couldn't come at a better time. My crush and dear friend has had a stressful last couple of weeks, and I think I need to be there for her. So, the sooner I'm finally able to visit her, the better, and I'll leave it at that. 

I haven't posted my usual flashback this week because well, they're time consuming, and I haven't had much reason to. That should change later this week though, I need to get more eyeballs on this blog, but I don't really know the most effective way to do so other than a grass-roots word of mouth campaign. Thing is, not many eyeballs see my Twitter page, and after the past couple of months on that platform, I don't really know why I'm even there. Oh well, as long as Squealon Muskrat doesn't run Twitter into the ground (which I'm not very enthusiastic about), I'll still be there. 

For now, I guess I'll go ahead and writing my flashback entry. Until next time...


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