Friday, May 7, 2021

Why I'm Not A YouTuber

Hello everyone. You might be wondering for some unknown reason why it is that I infrequently post long-form thought on this blog instead of making a thread on my twitter feed. Well, part of the reason is FOMO; I don't want to go on a roll posting something on there while something else probably more important is going on that site. The other reason...

Finish your big fade without pausing. Try YouTube Premium on us, and style, uninterrupted. that every time you click on YouTube anymore, you get an advertisement about them pitching their premium subscription service. Remember about a decade ago when that site was totally free, and you didn't have these nonstop commercials...

There is NOTHING in the world MORE RELAXING...than playing come Candy Crush Sagaaaaa...

...interrupting your viewing pleasure. Nowadays, before you can even begin the video, there's an adversement for something that could be completely unrelated to the video you want to watch. Honestly, it's getting out of control.

Go anywhere in the world first, but check with Chad last,\and you'll save like nobody else, at Love Honda. Come and see what Love can do for you.

Excuse me while I check in with my spirit animal, I think it has something to say:

See? Even the sloths think all these interruptions are a buzz kill. Sorry for the unnecessary paus...

Injured? Call Morgan & Morgan, for the people.

oh COME ON!!!